Global Edge Care is a Nursing and Domiciliary Care division of Global Edge Group Ltd. Global Edge Care is established to cater for the needs of our service users in the care sector within the community on a 24-hour basis. Our service users are those who are faced with challenges in coping with domestic responsibilities and their own personal care needs. We also provide nursing support services to hospitals with the goal of providing impeccable and high care standards as required by the UK
Global Edge Care is a dedicated care initiative aimed at providing nursing and care to our service users in hospitals, nursing homes and in their own home environment on a one-to-one basis. Our services are designed for Young People, Adults, vulnerable persons and the Elderly persons who are physically challenged or housebound. Our teams are highly trained and experienced nursing and specialist care workers. We provide care services to both the private and public sectors. Your needs for nursing, care and support are identified through an assessment; this may involve the Care Manager from the Local Authority. We operate within all geographical boundaries of Greater London